Debunking Common Myths About Corporate Apartments

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A majority of the population may believe that there are no options that lie between renting a hotel room and signing a year-long lease or full-blown mortgage when looking for a place to live. Luckily, corporate housing is a fast-growing industry that provides the perfect option for anyone looking for short term apartments.

As this industry is still expanding, many people don't know about this option and tend to believe the myths that circulate about the corporate housing NYC has to offer. Learn the truths to these misconceptions and you will discover just how great corporate apartments are.

Myth 1: Corporate apartments are only for business professionals

Although the word "corporate" may give you this impression, anyone can take advantage of corporate housing. In fact, about 40% of those who use corporate housing do so because they are in the process of relocating. This type of temporary housing, or interim housing, provides the perfect place to live for anyone who needs a solution for a length of time in between the short- and long-term.

Myth 2: Living in corporate housing is just like living in a hotel

In reality, living in corporate housing is much more like renting an apartment. Corporate apartments are typically located in strategic and convenient areas of a city that make you feel like other renters in the neighborhood. This provides a stark contrast to staying in a hotel, where you are surrounded by other transient visitors who create a much different experience. You will also be living in a unique apartment with local cafes and restaurants nearby, rather than in a room that is a carbon copy of all the others in a hotel.

Myth 3: You still have to bring your own linens and dishes

When corporate housing advertises furnished apartments, they are truly furnished from top to bottom. Not only will your apartment have the necessary furniture such as a couch, table, and bed, but it will have all the small stuff as well. Your apartment will include a kitchen that has cabinets stocked with dishware, closets with plenty of linens and towels, and decorative touches that make the space feel like home.

Don't be fooled by incorrect facts about corporate housing. These apartments are a great option for anyone looking for a homey, yet temporary, place to stay. Contact Taylor Made Furnished Apartments today to find your short term apartment.

Jeff Raschka