What makes a Taylor Made Furnished Apartment a better place to stay than an AirBnB?

Knowing exactly what you are getting ✔️
Apartment is inspected for safety ✔️
Apartment is inspected for cleanliness ✔️
Smoke detectors are inspected and maintained ✔️ ?
Carbon monoxide are inspected and maintained ✔️ ?
Do you know who has the keys to your place ✔️ ?
Fire extinguishers/sprinkler systems in each apartment ✔️ ?
Uphold building safety standards ✔️
Apartment is meticulously cleaned by our cleaning staff ✔️
Concierge service covered ✔️
24/7 emergency contact number ✔️
Location diligently monitored by a real person ✔️
Locations are easily accessible ✔️
Locations close to mass transit ✔️
Certified by NYS ✔️
Lots of inventory ✔️
Listed with the Better Business Bureau ✔️

We are not individuals trying to make some extra income on our apartments.

We are short stay housing providers, with a staff of 10 people, providing this service since 2011!


Click here to reserve your clean, furnished, safe apartment today.